Setting up CI/CD with the TFS Plugin for Jenkins 19 March 2017 Donovan Work (19) In this post, I show you how to create a full CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and VSTS with the TFS Plugin for Jenkins. [More]
Do you, Release Management, take this feature, Deployment Slots, to be your DevOps partner? 13 February 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Abstract When I first started reading about Deployment Slots I had more questions than answers. My most obvious concern was what ... [More]
Toggle the Retain Indefinitely flag from Release Management 10 February 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem:We employ continuous delivery with Release Management and our drop server has run out of di [More]
My DSC works from PowerShell ISE but not from Release Management 06 February 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) If you are like me you learned Desired State Configuration (DSC) before trying to incorporate it with Release Management. I recommend this because you get a pure understanding of DSC and its full capabilities. The only caveat to learning DSC this way is certain things are different when used ... [More]
Is DSC an upgrade to Agent-based pipelines? 15 January 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) There have been a lot of questions from customers and on internal distribution list lately on Release Management, Agent-based vs vNext and how best to deploy to PaaS. So instead of answering the same questions over and over again I decided to write this post and just point them here. There ar... [More]
Trigger a vNext Release from team build 18 November 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Using Release Management you can implement true Continuous Delivery. With the latest update of Release Management you can trigger a release via a REST api call to Release Management. In this post I will share the script and build definition I used to trigger the release and how to use th... [More]