How to use VSO and RMO to deploy an Azure Website 21 November 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) This is a neat post because we are going to be using all three Azure offerings SaaS, PaaS and IaaS.& [More]
How to deploy the Fabriakam Call Center application with DSC 20 November 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Because there is not an Update 4 version of the Keller VM using the Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 Keller VM I will show you how to upgrade Release Management to Update 4 and create a vNext deployment for the Fabriakam Call Center application. First we have to uninstall Release Management Update 3. Lo... [More]
Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 Keller VM share issue 20 November 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: When I attempt to open the drop folder of a build on the Update 3 version of the Visual Studio 2013 Keller vm I get the follow error. Solution: Give Everyone read permission to the c:\ffdrops folder. If you get promoted by a Network discovery and file sharing dialog select "Yes, tur... [More]
How to run Microsoft Test Manager Suite in vNext Deployment 18 November 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) While preparing to speak at TechEd Europe I really had to run Release Management and Desired State Configuration (DSC) through their paces. I already blogged about one of my challenges of implementing tokenization in a DSC based deployment here. I also wanted to run Coded UI tests as part of ... [More]
Where are my diagnostic build logs? 12 October 2014 Donovan-Brown (0) Problem: I am trying to customize TfvcTemplate.12.xaml and can’t increase the verbosity level any longer. Solution: Open the desired build and click the Diagnostics menu and select View Logs. Explanation: In the past there was an argument on the build template that allowed you to contro... [More]
How to connect SQL Server Data Tools 2012 to TFS 2013 12 October 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I installed SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition with SP1 with SQL Server Data Tools and I need to version my projects in TFS 2013. Solution: The IDE for SQL Server Data Tools is Visual Studio 2010 Shell. By installing Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer 2010, Microsoft Visual Stud... [More]
Getting Test Case Import Utilities for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2010 to work with TFS 2013 18 June 2014 Donovan-Brown (0) Problem:Recently we had a customer try and use the Test Case Import Utilities for Visual Studi [More]
Validate code automatically during a Team Foundation Build 03 June 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I need to run my Layer Diagram validation during my build. Solution: Edit your build definition and under Build process parameters, expand Advanced, and type the following in the MSBuild Arguments parameter: /p:ValidateArchitecture=true
I can't register the Microsoft Deployment Agent 2013 11 May 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Updated: With update 2 the deployer account no longer as to be an admin on the machine. The account simply needs to correct permissions to deploy the desired components. Problem: When I attempt to register my deployer I get a 401 unauthorized error. Solution: Make sure the ... [More]
Find by Status is not working 13 February 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: "Find by Status" of the TFS Power Tools always returns zero results even though people have files checked out. Solution: Make sure the developers workspaces are Server and not Local. Explanation: Only Server workspace communicate the status of check outs back to the Ser... [More]