How to run xunit test with vNext Build 15 June 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (9) I was recently asked for help getting xunit test to run usingVSO build vNext. In this post I will w [More]
How to trigger an Agent based release from MSBuild 26 March 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (5) I was recently asked how to trigger an Agent based releasefrom MSBuild. This is a valuable te [More]
How to set the build quality during your release with Release Management 21 March 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (9) I was recently asked the following question. "I would like the build quality to be set by the R [More]
Change build definition branches with PowerShell 11 March 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (9) Problem:I have a large number of build definitions I need to pointto a different branch.Solutio [More]
So sick of Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found build errors! 14 January 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I was recently connecting an on premises build server to my Visual Studio Online account (that is crazy easy by the way) but my first build failed with the following error. The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebAppli... [More]
Where are my diagnostic build logs? 12 October 2014 Donovan-Brown (0) Problem: I am trying to customize TfvcTemplate.12.xaml and can’t increase the verbosity level any longer. Solution: Open the desired build and click the Diagnostics menu and select View Logs. Explanation: In the past there was an argument on the build template that allowed you to contro... [More]
Validate code automatically during a Team Foundation Build 03 June 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I need to run my Layer Diagram validation during my build. Solution: Edit your build definition and under Build process parameters, expand Advanced, and type the following in the MSBuild Arguments parameter: /p:ValidateArchitecture=true
How to build a SQL Server 2012 Integration Service Project with TFS 2013 29 April 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) I simply downloaded the ReleaseDefaultTemplate11.1.xaml and followed my own directions from here and replaced .vdproj with .dtproj. TFS2013 Release Management Default Template ReleaseDefaultTemplate.11.2.xaml (107.45 kb)
The build template with Release Management does not work in TFS 2013 Build 16 January 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I get an error when I use the build template installed with Release Management with TFS 2013. Solution: If your release of TFS 2013 is using TfvcTemplate.12.xaml you will not be able to use the ReleaseDefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml template that ships with Release Management. You will have to... [More]
I can't build my Wix projects with Team Build 19 December 2013 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I get the following error when I attempt to build a solution using TFS that contains a Windows Installer XML (WIX) project: "light.exe: Error executing ICE action 'ICE01'. The most common cause of this kind of ICE failure is an incorrectly registered scripting engine. See http://wix.sourc... [More]