Installing VSTS 2010 Beta 2 Test Controller in Workgroup


I need to install VSTS 2010 Test Controller on my Dev machine in a Workgroup but my configuration fails.


Be sure an install the Test Controller on your TFS server first and make sure the account you plan to use is in the groups mentioned here:




After setting up TFS 2010 Beta2 I wanted to run the Test Controller on my physical Dev machine.  I am running workgroup edition and kept getting the following error when I tried to configure the Test Controller on my machine:

Failed to grant permission to controller service account on Tfs http://MyTfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.ConfigCore.ConfigToolException: User account i7307\Donovan L Brown not found

Failed to update TFS Team Project Collection http://MyTfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection as the test controller service account could not be granted required permission. To fix this error, run this tool with an account that has "Project Collection Administrator" rights and try again.

Well the account I was using had the "Project Collection Administrator" rights.   I searched MSDN and found the following article that got me close but not the entire way. What that article did for me was have me start checking for the existence of the two groups mentioned in step 3 under Requirements for Workgroups.  When I return to my TFS server to check they were missing because I did not install the Test Controller there.  Once I installed the controller on my TFS server and made sure the user account I planned to use as in all the correct groups I was able to complete the configuration on my Dev machine.

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