I was preparing a demo for a Xamarin iOS and Android app. I decided to stand up a private agent so my queue times would be as short as possible. You can read more on why I prefer private agents in my post Private build agents are a benefit. When I queued my build, I got the following error on the Android Signing task:
##[error]The ANDROID_HOME environment variable is not set for the running user.
To confirm this error message, I opened a terminal on my Mac and typed:
This listed all the environment variables on my machine. ANDROID_HOME was not listed.
Because I have Visual Studio for Mac on my machine and have built Android apps, I knew I must have the Android SDK on my machine. The question was, where was it? I opened Visual Studio and from the Visual Studio menu I selected Preferences… In the left navigation, select SDK Locations. Select Android and click the Locations tab. Copy the value in the Android SDK Location text box.
Now with this value I need to update my ~/.bash_profile so when I run my VSTS agent, my ANDROID_HOME environment variable would be set. From the terminal I typed:
sudo vi ~/.bash_profile
Add the following to the file replacing {path to SDK} with the value on your clipboard.
export ANDROID_HOME={path to SDK}
Save the file and close the terminal.
Open a new terminal and run your VSTS agent. You can confirm your ANDROID_HOME environment variable is correctly set by reviewing the capabilities of your agent.