Using Az module with Visual Studio Azure resource group projects 03 February 2019 Donovan Work (3) In this post I show you how to upgrade your resource group projects to use the Az module. [More]
Creating an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint in new Portal 30 December 2016 Donovan Work (1) In this post I show you how to create a Service Principal in Azure for use with Team Foundation Server 2017. [More]
Deploying a Maven Project to an Azure Web App 04 March 2016 Donovan-Brown Work (4) My goal in this post is to build, test, and deploy a Java project using Maven into an Azure Web App running Tomcat 8 and Java 8, execute jUnit tests, and publish code coverage results. [More]
Creating an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint 03 March 2016 Donovan-Brown Work (8) In this post I will show you how to create an Azure Resource Manager Service Endpoint [More]
So you want to spin up a Windows VM during your build or release and copy files to it... 05 December 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Spin up a Windows VM in Azure and copy files to it during your VSTS build or release. [More]