Adding Eclipse to Launcher on Ubuntu 16.04 04 April 2018 Donovan Work (26) This post is to show you how I was able to get Eclipse pinned to my Launcher on Ubuntu 16.04. [More]
I can’t delete an Archetype from Eclipse 20 June 2017 Donovan Work (0) Problem: I have a bad archetype configured in Eclipse and I cannot delete it! Solution: Edit the archetype-catalog.xml file of maven in c:\users\{user}\.m2 folder. Explanation: In Eclipse you can use the Add Archetypes… button to add new types. However, once you do there is no way to delete ... [More]
Deploying a Maven Project to an Azure Web App 04 March 2016 Donovan-Brown Work (4) My goal in this post is to build, test, and deploy a Java project using Maven into an Azure Web App running Tomcat 8 and Java 8, execute jUnit tests, and publish code coverage results. [More]
Provisioning a Java 8, Tomcat Web app in Azure using an ARM Template 24 January 2016 Donovan-Brown Work (0) In this post I will show you how to provision a Java site using Azure Resource Manager Templates. [More]
Build a Linux based Dev Machine in Azure 08 August 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (2) My goal in this post is to stand up a Linux VM in Azure withEclipse connected to VSO that I can RDP [More]
Running SonarQube with Maven using build vNext 17 June 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) In this post we are going to use the SonarQube server webuilt in the lastpost. With build vNext ru [More]
Does Team Explorer Everywhere support Git 30 September 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) While speaking at the Dog Food Conference I was asked if Team Explorer Everywhere (the TFS plugin for Eclipsed based IDE) supported Git source control. I actually did not know and promised to find out. It just so happens that the 2013 release of Team Explorer Everywhere does have support... [More]