How to Xcopy deploy using TFS 2010/2012

Problem I need my VS2010/VS2012 build to perform an “Xcopy deployment” of my ASP.NET application to an existing virtual directory. Solution Customize the build template to use the CopyDirectory activity to copy the ASP.NET application to the virtual directory. Explanation One of the... [More]

I can't run VMM and I am an admin

Problem When I run VMM I am given the error I don't have permissions to run VMM on localhost. Solution You have to have a current VMM administrator to add you to the Administrator role in VMM under Administration tab. Start VMM Click the Administration tab Select User Roles Double Click Adm... [More]

Command line tool for Work Item Queries

Problem I need to script my work item query administation. Solution Use the Work Item Query Administration tool from CodePlex Examples This will list out all the queries and the paths you need to export them wiqadmin list /collection:http://MytfsUrl:8080/tfs/defau... [More]