Using Microsoft Fakes to test code that sends email

In the past I used to use Neptune to test any code that sent email. Neptune is still very useful with Web Test but with unit testing I should be able to use Fakes. Below is a typical block of code that uses the SmtpClient class to send an email message.  public static void SendMessage(string ... [More]

Speaking at St. Louis Days of .NET 2014

Shortly after returning from speaking at TechEd Europe I will be speaking at St. Louis Days of .NET 2014. A Practical View of Release Management for Visual Studio 2013 This session provides a detailed technical presentation of the functionality and architecture of Release Management for Visual St... [More]

I keep getting error when I run tcm.exe

Problem: I keep getting the following error when I attempt to run tcm.exe from the command line: “A test run must be created with at least one test case.” Solution: Open MTM and check the status of the test case from the Test tab.  Make sure the test case state is not Error.  If it is ... [More]