Running SonarQube with Maven using build vNext

In this post we are going to use the SonarQube server we built in the last post. With build vNext running a Maven build is as simple as adding a Maven build step. Any Java application you are currently building with Maven should work to follow along with this post. The application I will be using is a Spring MVC application that also runs jUnit tests as part of the build. When the build is over I will be able to view the results of my SonarQube analysis on the SonarQube server.

I would like to take a moment and thank my friend Jean-Marc Prieur for all his help getting me going with SonarQube.

You can use TFVC as I have or Git to store your project for use with build vNext. Once your project is in source control we can start creating the build. To begin visit the Build hub of your VSO project. Now click the Actions link.

Select the Empty build template and click OK. Now click the Add build step link and add the Maven and Publish Build Artifacts build steps.

Select the Maven build step so we can fill in the values. For the Maven POM file value simply type pom.xml. If you happen to have multiple you can use the browse button to select a specific file. The options value is where we pass the data required by SonarQube to store the results of our analysis. Simply copy and paste the value below into the Options text box. We will define the variables in a moment.$( -Dsonar.jdbc.url=$(sonar.jdbc.url) -Dsonar.jdbc.username=$(sonar.jdbc.username) -Dsonar.jdbc.password=$(sonar.jdbc.password) -Dsonar.login=$(sonar.login) -Dsonar.password=$(sonar.password)

Each value that starts with a $ and ends with a ) is a variable we can define on the build. This allows us to reuse the same value in multiple places but manage them in one central location. We can also secure variables so they are protected. We will discuss the purpose of each of the variables when we define them.

To trigger the analysis we need to update the Goal(s) of this step. After the package goal add sonar:sonar.

Now click on the Publish Build Artifacts step so we can configure its values. The package goal will create a target folder which we want to publish as an artifact on VSO. Therefore, set Contents to **\target. The ** at the beginning instructs the system to do a recursive search for a folder named target and to copy its contents to the artifact. You can enter any name you like for the Artifact Name. Now select Server for the Artifact Type.

Now we can add are required variables. Click the variables tab to display the variables page. Click the Add variable link for each variable in the options section of our Maven build step (6).

Variable Name

Variable Value

The full URL in http://{sonarServer} format to your SonarQube server.


The full JDBC connection string in jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://{sonarServer}/{sonarDB};SelectMethod=Cursor format to your SonarQube database.


The username to connect to your SonarQube database.


The password to connect to your SonarQube database.


The login to your SonarQube server. If you are not prompted to login when you visit the SonarQube server you can leave this value empty.


The password to your SonarQube server. If you are not prompted to login when you visit the SonarQube server you can leave this value empty.


If you wish to protect any of the values simply click the lock icon next to the value.

We can speed up our build by visiting the Repository tab and making sure we only download the portion of the code we need.

Now simply save and queue your build.

Once the build completes you will be able to view your results on the SonarQube server.


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