NOTE: This has been replaced by yo Team.
At Ignite New Zealand 2016 I did a talk where I used a Yeoman generator to build an entire CI/CD pipeline. I promised that I would publish the generator and make it open source. You can now install the vsts generator using Yeoman. Below is everything you need to know to get started using it. I published the code to GitHub.
- Install Git
- Install Node.js
- Install Yeoman using npm (npm is installed with Node.js)
npm install -g yo
Now using the yo command you can install the vsts generator.
- Type
- Select Install a generator

- Type
- Select vsts Generates an app with CI/CD in Visual Studio Team Services
- Once it is installed simply press enter

- When entering your VSTS account only enter the part before Do not enter the full URL, just the account name. For example if your full VSTS URL is you would enter only mydemos.
To use the generator in the future simply type.
yo vsts
You will need a Visual Studio Team Services account and an Azure Subscription to use the generator. You can create a Team Services account for free and start a free trial of Azure. Once you have your Team Services account create a Personal Access Token.