- Intro
- Docker
- xUnit
- Build
- Back end
- Selenium
- Docker
- Release Management
- Testing
Using Marcel’s post as my guide, I added xUnit
tests to my demo.
Add a Class Library (Package) project
- Right-click the src folder
- Select Add / New Project
- Select Class Library (Package)
- Enter name PeopleTracker.Preview.Tests
- Click OK
Add Xunit and Xunit.Runner.Dnx packages
- Right-click the test project
- Select Manage NuGet Packages...
- Check the Include prerelease check box
- Search for Xunit.Runnder.Dnx
- Click Install
- Search for Xnuit
- Click Install
Add a test command in the project.json
- Open project.json
Copy and paste this code below the dependencies section
"commands" : {
"test": "xunit.runner.dnx -xml test-results.xml"
Now, we need to add a reference to the ASP.NET application in our new class library. This will provide access to the classes in the ASP.NET so we can test them from our class library.
Add reference in PeopleTracker.Preview.Tests to PeopleTracker.Preview
- Right-click on the References folder of class library
- Select Add Reference...
- Under the Projects section, select Solution
- Check the box next to your ASP.NET project
- Click OK
Add unit test
- Right-click Class1.cs
- Select Rename
- Enter HomeControllerTests and press Enter
- Click Yes
Replace the contents of the file with the code below
using Xunit;
namespace PeopleTracker.Preview.Tests
public class HomeControllerTests
public void Index()
// Arrange
var target = new PreviewWeb.Controllers.HomeController();
// Act
var results = target.Index();
// Assert
With this test in place, you can now execute it from Test
Commit and Push your changes
- Open Team Explorer
Open Changes
- Enter comment
Select Commit and Push
In the next post we will configure our build.