Using Release Gates to verify DNS Propagation 23 June 2019 Donovan Work (0) In this post I show you how to use release gates to test DNS propogation. [More]
Visual Studio Team Services Task Data Types 26 June 2016 Donovan-Brown Work (0) I was recently working on a new task for Trackyon Advantage and wanted to have an input field for a number. When you define your task in the task.json file you have different types you can assign to each input field. Below is a list of all the types I could find and examples on how to de... [More]
Deploying a Maven Project to an Azure Web App 04 March 2016 Donovan-Brown Work (4) My goal in this post is to build, test, and deploy a Java project using Maven into an Azure Web App running Tomcat 8 and Java 8, execute jUnit tests, and publish code coverage results. [More]
How can I change the connection strings of my Azure Web Apps during deployment from VSTS build or release? 28 December 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (14) In this post I show how you can change the connection strings during a Azure Web App deployment. [More]
2015 Ignite New Zealand demo prep: Step 10 24 December 2015 Donovan Work (0) In this post we add testing to our release definition. [More]
Do I have to publish an artifact from Jenkins to work with Release Management? 14 December 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (2) In this post I show you how to skip the downloading of artifacts as part of your release. [More]
How can I view my Jenkins artifacts contents in Release Management? 14 December 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (0) In this post I show you a few ways to view the contents of your Jenkins artifacts used with Release Management. [More]
So you want to trigger a VSTS release from an external build system 07 December 2015 Donovan Work (9) The goal of this post is to trigger a release in VSTS using PowerShell from an external build system. [More]
2015 Ignite New Zealand demo prep: Step 3 03 October 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (16) In this post we configure our Docker hosts. [More]
2015 Ignite New Zealand demo prep: Step 2 28 September 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (4) In this post we setup our build agent. [More]