How to delete an Action Recording 26 May 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (4) I need to delete an Action Recording from a test case in Microsoft Test Manager. [More]
How many vendors does it take to implement DevOps? 24 February 2015 Donovan-Brown Work (1) I was recently reading a post titled “5 Secrets of Enterprise DevOps”. It is a very interestin [More]
Microsoft Test Manager is not creating IntelliTrace files for my web applications 03 June 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: When I run my test in MTM the bugs I log don't have IntelliTrace files attached. Solution: Run MTM as administrator. If you don't run MTM as administrator the process will not be able to instrument the code for IIS.
Running Microsoft Test Manager Suite with Release Management 25 January 2014 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Goal I want to run a Microsoft Test Manager Suite after my bits are deployed by Microsoft Release Management (InRelease). Solution: There appears to be a bug in the current "MTM Automated Tests Manager" tool that will fail if your build definition name contains spaces. So I took this opportu... [More]
I keep getting error when I run tcm.exe 23 January 2014 Donovan Work (0) Problem: I keep getting the following error when I attempt to run tcm.exe from the command line: “A test run must be created with at least one test case.” Solution: Open MTM and check the status of the test case from the Test tab. Make sure the test case state is not Error. If it is ... [More]
I only see the last 10 steps of my Exploratory Testing in MTM when I create a test case. 17 November 2012 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I used the "Do Exploratory Testing" freature of Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) but only the last 10 steps show up when I create a test case. Solution: In the new test case window press the "Change steps" button above the test steps. This will bring up a dialog box allowing you to sel... [More]
Registering Workgroup Test Agent with Test Controller in Domain 22 June 2012 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I have a test controller in a domain and a test agent in a workgroup and I can’t register the agent with the controller. Solution: Create shadow accounts on the agent machine and on the controller machine that are in the Administrators Group. Shadow accounts are accounts with... [More]
Where do I place pre-conditions for test cases in MTM 24 September 2010 Donovan-Brown Work (0) Problem: I have preconditions for a test case in Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) but I don’t know where to store or how to notify the tester before executing the test. Solution: Attach a preconditions document to the first step of your test case or create the preconditions as a shared step. ... [More]